After many days of coordinating and holding “everything together” we received 120T of Medical Liquid today to supplement our 24/7 production. This will help bridge the heightened demand that has become critical due to rise of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks. Our relentless focus on Continual Improvement and progression with a robust BCP will lead us towards Ontime In Full supply.
Over the last weeks, I have been amazed at the unfailing dedication and resilience of our BOC team and Board of Directors. They have worked day and night to ensure that our plant is running 24/7, that deliveries are done regardless of the frequency, technical upscaling is done everywhere it is needed and that emergency plan A,B,C to infinity are taken to make sure that no one loses their lives. It has been heartwarming to hear “can we do this, shall we talk to this person, is KNH covered” etc. at 1am in the morning, at any time really. As a leader I have said yes more than ever before, I have felt the proverbial “loneliness at the top” for many nights, not because enough wasn’t being done but because I had visibility of the whole picture given by such an open team.
My respect and admiration for those running hospitals and caregivers connected to the minute by minute status of patients has increased during this season. They must make impossible choices and come back the next day to do the same! May they never tire of doing their calling. Shekar, Kabiru, Dr Kamuri, Dr Toseff, Wise Manilal, Dr Odede, Dr Murega, Dr Nganga, Prof Mugenda, Rosemary Kihoto.
To the support system Intraspeed, Volcan transporters, Brother Gas. Even though you are “unseen” your magic has saved lives. The government and BMOS are an impactful support system and I continue to learn a fundamental principle – be exact in your request for support, add value to help the help you are seeking and just ask. CS Mutahi, PS Mochache, IG Mutyambai, Commissioner General, Jane Karuku, Phylis Wakiaga, Muchai Kunyiha, Nick Nesbit, Carol Karuga, Flo Mutahi – I know you must do more than a days’ worth, but it is worth generations to come. All the criticisms that come your way do not come close to the impact of the sacrifices you have made under difficult circumstances. We are all wiser and are learning and moving forward with bigger and better solutions for our people.
…every crisis is an opportunity to shrink or expand, we thank God for giving us expansion.